Thursday Morning Beats

I’m supposed to be working on edits but I figured someone out there might need a good song this morning as much as I did. This is Grouplove, “Let me in” off TFIOS soundtrack. If the music is any indication of the movie’s awesomeness, I’m going to be a mess...

Writing Process Blog Tour

The spectacularly rad Kelly Loy Gilbert (here’s her Twitter) tagged me on her My Writing Process Blog Hop. Kelly and I met after a group of Bay Area writers got together a few months back and I can honestly say that her kindness and practicality have restored my faith...

"Sheila, put the knife down."

These days I’m working on my second book. It’s been a long time coming; between entering the publishing world and editing An Ember in the Ashes, my current work-in-progress hasn’t gotten much love. The time I did spend on it was almost exclusively focused on...