Introducing Debut Author Kathryn Purdie

Welcome back to the 2016 Debut Author Series! I hope you all enjoyed my last interview with debut author Marieke Nijkamp. I’m excited to introduce my second interviewee: Kathryn Purdie, author of Burning Glass (To be released March 1, 2016). Let’s begin!...

Introducing Debut Author Marieke Nijkamp

Welcome to the 2016 Debut Author Series, where I’ll be posting short, Proust-inspired questionnaires with a 2016 debut author every month. Since I just had my own crazy debut year, I’m extra excited to get the word out about these great books and authors....

A Request

Guys, 2015 was rad. I am super, crazy lucky that I published my first book, met a ton of new friends, traveled the country, got a sequel and saw AN EMBER IN THE ASHES become a bestseller. But 2015 was a doozy in other ways. And that’s what I want to talk about. (Come...

Sabaa & Renee's Advice for 2016!

Hey guys! At the beginning of 2015, we (Renee Ahdieh and Sabaa Tahir) talked about keeping track of what we learned this year and then putting into one post at the end of the year. Here it is, in all its glory: WHAT WE LEARNED IN 2015, BY RENEE AHDIEH and SABAA TAHIR...

Fall/Winter 2015 Mix. (Baa Mix 85)

Woo! Fall and Winter Mix! A lot of songs that build to magnificence on this one, including “Hello”, “Devil’s Whisper” and “Seven Hours”.   And new Joanna Newsom, yes! I always learn new words when I listen to her. Let’s...