Welcome to the 2016 Debut Author Series, where I’ll be posting short, Proust-inspired questionnaires with a 2016 debut author every month. Since I just had my own crazy debut year, I’m extra excited to get the word out about these great books and authors.
For the month of January, I am so pleased to have interviewed Marieke Nijkamp, author of This Is Where It Ends (Sourcebooks Fire),which came out on 1/5/2016. Welcome Marieke! To the questions….
What character trait would you thieve from someone else (and who from)?
Hm. I can write like I need it to survive, but I can’t always write like I’m running out of time. So that. Some focus and discipline, from anyone who has it to spare.
I’m with you there, sister.
- What’s the last lie you told?
I can’t remember.
No wait, that’s it.
- If you could punch one person on the planet with absolutely no repercussions, who would it be?
See, if I were to do anything in terms of revenge, without repercussions, I would far rather steal a secret than punch someone. Because secrets are useful things. And despite what my stories might suggest, I’m not a violent person.
- What possession do you consider your “precious”? So, something you’d fight to the death for on the slopes of Mt. Doom.
Well I do in fact have a One Ring… but probably my granddad’s rosary.
- Best one line writing advice you’ve ever gotten?
Write what you love (and love what you write).
- What book do you wish you’d written?
Melina Marchetta’s FINNIKIN OF THE ROCK. This wondrous fantasy holds such a special place in my heart, and it taught me so much about what YA fantasy can be and can do.
(Love that whole series!)
- You can only listen to one song for the rest of your life. What is it?
The horror! Don’t make me choose! Maaaaybe ‘No More’ from Into the Woods.
I know, I’m sorry. That was probably my cruelest question.
- You magically obtain the ability to cast one and only one spell from the Harry Potter universe—but you can cast it as much as you like. Which one is it?
I would Apparate. Does that count? It’s not quite a spell, but oh I would dearly love the power of teleportation.
If it doesn’t count… portius, and I’d build a nice collection of Portkeys. Books, probably, among the thousands I own. It would be such a cool library.
- With only your wit and an oft-malfunctioning magic wand, you are forced into a death match with either Shelob, the enormous spider from Lord of the Rings, or Voldemort. Who do you choose?
Voldemort, no doubt. Spiders terrify me.
- Describe your debut novel in one sentence:
THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS, the story of a school shooting, takes place over the course of fifty-four minutes, and follows four teens, who all have their own reason to fear the boy with the gun.
Thanks for taking the time Marieke! And thank you, readers. You can follow Marieke on Twitter at @mariekeyn. Happy reading!